Greetings 8th Grade parents!


Last night’s introduction to AHS Course Options Parent University was incredibly well attended.  I do hope that you found it informative and a valuable use of your time. 


The next few months are going to go by so quickly for you and your children, so I wanted to take the time to send a quick note letting you know all the exciting things taking place.

  • January 24th: Informational Meeting for 8th Grade Dance Committee (see details below)
  • Early February: Information sessions at AHS on course offerings and selection, plus a Q&A session.  
  • February 11th: 8th graders' field trip to tour AHS
  • April 25th: 8th Grade Dance
  • May 21: 8th Grade Bridging Ceremony

If you are interested in being part of the 8th Grade Dance planning committee, we invite you to attend our informational meeting. This meeting will provide you with all the details you need to get involved and make this event a memorable one for our 8th graders. It will be held on January 24th at 9 am in the PLR room at WBMS.  Kindly RSVP here


In addition to the activities above, our PTA will also be selling yard signs this year.  We will have the order form up and available in the next month or so – please be on the lookout!


Lastly, all of these updates can be found on our PTA Website under the 8th Grade Updates section:


Please reach out if you have any questions.  All my best,

Melissa Turner
WBMS PTA President

Important Links:


Community Partners



Thank you for your interest in the Webb Bridge Middle School Community Partner program. We strive to meet the financial and academic needs of our school while at the same supporting our local businesses. Partnerships can be achieved through volunteering, donations of goods/services, or through financial contributions. 


This year, our Community Partner program is being organized through the Webb Bridge PTA. The WBMS PTA is a 501(c)(3), EIN # 582246373. Donations made through the WBMS PTA are tax deductible as allowed by law. Receipts for donations will be provided by the WBMS PTA. 


We have several different giving levels available:


FRIEND of the Jaguar Partnership (in kind donations & monetary donations up to $249) 

One “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mention per year


Logo and website link on WBMS PTA website



SILVER Jaguar Partnership ($250) 

Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:

Additional “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mention per year (2 total)

 Facebook mention (2 per year)

Medium Logo on Community Partner wall at school

Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website 


GOLD Jaguar Partnership ($500)

Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:

3 additional “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mentions per year (4 total)

3 additional Facebook mentions (4 per year) 

Business flier sent via PTA email once per year

Large Logo on Community Partner wall at school

Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website twice (2 different weeks)

▪ Ability to participate in 1 on-site event (Sneak Peek, International Night, Webb Way Festival,

teacher planning day, Parent University, musical event, or vendor for special program)


PLATINUM Jaguar Partnership ($1,000)

Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:

Permanent logo on each “Friday Notes” e-newsletter, sent weekly

3 additional Facebook mentions (4 per year)

Business flier sent via PTA email twice per year

Extra-Large Logo on Community Partner wall at school

Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website twice (2 different weeks)

▪ Ability to participate in 2 on-site events (Sneak Peek, International Night, Webb Way Festival,

teacher planning day, Parent University, musical event, or vendor for special program)





For more information, please contact Heather Nance at







Upcoming Events