The purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
Need to reach us? Contact us any one of us at pta.wbms@gmail.com
WBMS PTA Board 2024-2025
President |
Melissa Turner |
Secretary |
Jenny Rothlisberger |
Treasurer |
Meghna Madhok |
Parliamentarian |
Xandria Chambers |
VP Finance & Membership |
Kristin Kray |
Michelle Smith |
VP School Program Support |
Vanessa Meyer |
Lauren Wingate |
VP Staff Appreciation |
Elizabeth Hansen |
Melissa Eskreis |
VP Student Events |
Melissa Rose |
Erin Linder |
VP Admin Support |
Nicole Mabry |
Lanika Blackmon |
VP Communication |
Shubha Aithal |
Sama Thakur |
WBMS Teacher Rep |
Jana Bernhardt |
Shadia Anderson |
Caroline Kelly |
WBMS Principal |
Julie Morris |
Committee Chairs
Position |
Name |
Administrative Support Committees |
Community Cupboard | |
Device Support | |
Parent University |
Nicole Mabry Lanika Blackmon |
Scoliosis Screenings | Nicole Mabry
Lanika Blackmon |
Student Events Committees |
Bingo |
Lanika Blackmon |
Popcorn Days |
Albert Martinez |
Family Fun Night |
Melissa Turner |
Reflections |
Pam Levy |
Singo |
Arshiya Budwani |
Finance Committees |
Mini-Grants |
Shubha Aithal |
School Support Committees |
8th Grade Bridging | Nicole Mabry |
8th Grade Dance | Nicole Mabry |
International Night | |
Jag Jams 6th | |
Jag Jams 7th | |
Jag Jams 8th | |
Talent Show | Vanessa Meyer & Lauren Wingate |
Walk for Water | |
Staff Appreciation Committees |
Breakroom Stocking | |
Bus Driver Appreciation | |
Curriculum Dinner |
Melissa Eskreis Liz Hanson |
Holiday Gift Wrapping | Jeannie Ullman |
Staff Appreciation Week | Alison Patellis |
Staff Luncheon | |
TAW Treat Table |
If you are interested in volunteering for any open Committee Chair position, please send an email to pta.wbms@gmail.com.
Community Partners
Thank you for your interest in the Webb Bridge Middle School Community Partner program. We strive to meet the financial and academic needs of our school while at the same supporting our local businesses. Partnerships can be achieved through volunteering, donations of goods/services, or through financial contributions.
This year, our Community Partner program is being organized through the Webb Bridge PTA. The WBMS PTA is a 501(c)(3), EIN # 582246373. Donations made through the WBMS PTA are tax deductible as allowed by law. Receipts for donations will be provided by the WBMS PTA.
We have several different giving levels available:
FRIEND of the Jaguar Partnership (in kind donations & monetary donations up to $249)
▪ One “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mention per year
▪ Logo and website link on WBMS PTA website
SILVER Jaguar Partnership ($250)
Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:
▪ Additional “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mention per year (2 total)
▪ Facebook mention (2 per year)
▪ Medium Logo on Community Partner wall at school
▪ Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website
GOLD Jaguar Partnership ($500)
Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:
▪ 3 additional “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mentions per year (4 total)
▪ 3 additional Facebook mentions (4 per year)
▪ Business flier sent via PTA email once per year
▪ Large Logo on Community Partner wall at school
▪ Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website twice (2 different weeks)
▪ Ability to participate in 1 on-site event (Sneak Peek, International Night, Webb Way Festival,
teacher planning day, Parent University, musical event, or vendor for special program)
PLATINUM Jaguar Partnership ($1,000)
Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:
▪ Permanent logo on each “Friday Notes” e-newsletter, sent weekly
▪ 3 additional Facebook mentions (4 per year)
▪ Business flier sent via PTA email twice per year
▪ Extra-Large Logo on Community Partner wall at school
▪ Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website twice (2 different weeks)
▪ Ability to participate in 2 on-site events (Sneak Peek, International Night, Webb Way Festival,
teacher planning day, Parent University, musical event, or vendor for special program)
For more information, please contact Heather Nance at nanceh@fultonschools.org
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 28
- Tuesday, April 1
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8
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