Get Involved — Volunteer!
There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved at Webb Bridge Middle! Volunteer opportunities are emailed out through this website. The most efficient way to receive the information is to make sure your email address and child's grade is always current on this website.
Fulton County requires all volunteers to complete the online registration before they can volunteer in any Fulton County school.
Volunteer Update: This past spring, the district changed the volunteer check-in system from Raptor to Checkmate. If you went through the volunteer registration process at that time, your training is valid until May 31, 2026.
All persons interested in volunteering in the Fulton County School District must complete an application every two years. Even if a person has completed an application in the past. To keep in compliance with State Law and best practices, we will require everyone to re-register/register every two years based on the following volunteer service periods.
Volunteer Service Periods:
June 2022 thru May 2024
June 2024 thru May 2026
The registration process can be found here. Applicants should be prepared to spend about 10-15 minutes for the training and application process. In accordance with State Law, all volunteers must be current with the Child Abuse Reporting Protocol Training before being allowed to volunteer in our schools. It is very important that volunteers enter their full legal name as it appears on their government issued ID (please do not use nicknames or “goes by” names on the application). All applicants must wait 24 hours after applying for application processing and approval.
If you have any further questions regarding volunteering at the school and the required documents, please contact the front office.
General interest in volunteering
Throughout the school year there are many opportunities to volunteer at WBMS. Examples of volunteer positions include
- Hosting Curriculum Night Dinners (Food will be provided)
- Popcorn Days
- Front Office Support
- Media Center
- Recess
- Staff Appreciation Lunches
- Gift Wrap Extravaganza
- 8th Grade Day of Service
If you are interested in assisting with one or more of PTA events, please sign up here and you will be contacted as we create the sign-ups.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
- Gift Wrap - The gift wrap event is December 5 & 6. Sign Up Here!
- Front Office Volunteers - The front office is looking for some wonderful volunteers to distribute mail, make copies, and work on special projects. Help is needed Mondays-Fridays between 11am-1pm Sign Up Here!
- Media Center Volunteers - If you are interested in volunteering for the media center, there is an upcoming orientation hosted by Kelly Good that will teach you how the books are organized and shelved and also how to check books in and out on the computer on Tuesday, September 10th at 10am in the media center. Sign Up Here!
- Recess Supervision Volunteers - We need volunteers to supervise recess at WBMS. Help is needed on Mondays and Wednesdays. If there's rainy weather, recess will take place on Tuesday instead. Sign Up Here!
For more information about PTA volunteer opportunities, please email
Community Partners
Thank you for your interest in the Webb Bridge Middle School Community Partner program. We strive to meet the financial and academic needs of our school while at the same supporting our local businesses. Partnerships can be achieved through volunteering, donations of goods/services, or through financial contributions.
This year, our Community Partner program is being organized through the Webb Bridge PTA. The WBMS PTA is a 501(c)(3), EIN # 582246373. Donations made through the WBMS PTA are tax deductible as allowed by law. Receipts for donations will be provided by the WBMS PTA.
We have several different giving levels available:
FRIEND of the Jaguar Partnership (in kind donations & monetary donations up to $249)
▪ One “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mention per year
▪ Logo and website link on WBMS PTA website
SILVER Jaguar Partnership ($250)
Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:
▪ Additional “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mention per year (2 total)
▪ Facebook mention (2 per year)
▪ Medium Logo on Community Partner wall at school
▪ Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website
GOLD Jaguar Partnership ($500)
Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:
▪ 3 additional “Friday Notes” e-newsletter mentions per year (4 total)
▪ 3 additional Facebook mentions (4 per year)
▪ Business flier sent via PTA email once per year
▪ Large Logo on Community Partner wall at school
▪ Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website twice (2 different weeks)
▪ Ability to participate in 1 on-site event (Sneak Peek, International Night, Webb Way Festival,
teacher planning day, Parent University, musical event, or vendor for special program)
PLATINUM Jaguar Partnership ($1,000)
Includes all the “Friend” level benefits, plus:
▪ Permanent logo on each “Friday Notes” e-newsletter, sent weekly
▪ 3 additional Facebook mentions (4 per year)
▪ Business flier sent via PTA email twice per year
▪ Extra-Large Logo on Community Partner wall at school
▪ Week long Partner Spotlight on WBMS PTA website twice (2 different weeks)
▪ Ability to participate in 2 on-site events (Sneak Peek, International Night, Webb Way Festival,
teacher planning day, Parent University, musical event, or vendor for special program)
For more information, please contact Heather Nance at
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 28
- Tuesday, April 1
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8
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Meal Pay Plan
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