2025 WBMS Music Bingo & Pizza Party

What’s Better than Bingo? MUSIC Bingo!




Tuesday, April 1st 

4:15 - 5:45 PM

WBMS Cafeteria

Cost- $6.00


Music Bingo is just like traditional Bingo but we play part of a song and the kids try to guess the name and find it on their Music Bingo card. It’s sure to be an afternoon of fun with their friends and a chance to win some awesome prizes!


For only $6.00, they will enjoy a slice of pizza and a drink and receive TWO Music Bingo cards.

If they’re still hungry, they can purchase a slice of pizza, a drink or candy for only $1.00.


By making this payment, you have confirmed that you read the Music Bingo Guidelines, agree to abide by the Music Bingo Guidelines, and are giving permission for your child(ren) to participate in Music Bingo.


Music Bingo Guidelines

1. Music Bingo is only for students currently enrolled at WBMS and attending classes in person. 

2. Students who are absent or suspended (either in-school or out-of-school) on the day of Music Bingo may NOT attend.

3. Students should be picked up promptly at 5:45 PM in the carpool lane in front of the school.

4. Students will not be permitted to leave Music Bingo early unless they have a signed note from their parent/guardian stating what time and with whom the student may leave.

5. Students may not leave Music Bingo and return later.

6. We want the students to have fun and enjoy themselves, but no running or horseplay will be permitted. Music Bingo is a school function and students are expected to demonstrate responsible and respectful behavior.



Email Arshiya Budwani at arshiya07@gmail.com.

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 2025 Music Bingo Fee (Select Qty)$6.00 
For Platinum and Gold Members ONLY
 2025 Music Bingo (Select Qty)
- Platinum Membership families get free admission to Music Bingo. Gold Membership families get to choose free admission to EITHER Bingo or Music Bingo.
For Silver Members ONLY (Music Bingo Admission must be purchased
 2025 Music Bingo Concession Vouchers
Silver Membership families get 2 free concession vouchers to Bingo and Music Bingo. Please have your student come and collect their concessions from the PTA Table.

I confirm that I have read the Music Bingo Guidelines and understand by making this payment, I am agreeing to abide by the Music Bingo Guidelines and I am giving permission for my child(ren) to participate in Music Bingo.